Ulrik Hogrebe
Lecture: "Thinking with Design / Thinking with Craft — Complex Problem Solving and Sustaining Innovation"
Companies Ulrik worked with:
"As industrial designer George Nelson said "You don't think your way to creative work. You work your way to creative thinking." Design thinking is the process by which we make this manifest".
Ulrik is an Associate Creative Director at Frog, a global design and strategy firm that designs exceptional digital and physical customer experiences to transform businesses at scale. An  interaction designer by trade, Ulrik loves solving complex problems both at the human-scale as well as on a screen, and believes that how we make things is as important as what we make.

In his talk at the camp, titled "Thinking with Design / Thinking with Craft — Complex Problem Solving and Sustaining Innovation" Ulrik will talk to the new kinds of complex problems that frog is asked to solve for their clients and what he thinks are the implications for design and design thinking in the future.
Before frog, Ulrik was Creative Director for BBC News in  London where his team won numerous awards for their work. He created both internal facing tools as well as innovative news formats and led the redesign and launch of the 2015 responsive design of BBC News and the World Service.
Ulrik is a graduate of the Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design, where he has since gone back to teach on multiple occasions. Apart from his design degree, he also holds a BA in Business Strategy and Communications from The Copenhagen Business School."
User experience research and design laboratory
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